
A booth is the representation in the system of a physical booth.

This endpoints allow you to perform operations with booths, and get data associated to them.

The Booth object

This is the information returned by these endpoints:

  • id: ID of the booth within the application.
  • external_id: Client identifier associated to the booth.
  • serial_number: Serial number of the booth.
  • facility_name: Name of the facility that the booth belongs to. Only included in the booth index endpoint.
  • facility_id: ID of the facility that the booth belongs to.
  • account_name: Name of the facility that the booth belongs to. Only included in the booth index endpoint.
  • name: Human-friendly name of the booth.
  • brand_name: The name of the booth's manufacturer. One of zephyr, 3000, 3000_hr, frontier, dual_bay_frontier, ctof, or chinook.
  • model_number: The booth's model number. One of 10580, 99830, 42106, or 46008.
  • bay_count: The number of bays on the booth. Either one or two.
  • burner_size: The booth's burner size (MBTU). One of .997, 1, or 1.5.
  • motor_size: The booth's motor size (HP). One of 7.5, 10, 15, or 5 (10 / 2).
  • length: The booth's length (ft). One of 20, 24, 27, or 31.
  • width: The booth's width (ft). One of 13.5, 16.4, 20, or 24.
  • height: The booth's height (ft). One of 10.83, 11.83, 12.83, or 13.83.
  • status: Whether the booth is active. Can be one of "active", "decommissioned", or "not_activated".
  • last_updated_at: ISO8601 encoded timestamp when last update was received.
  • total_runtime: Total runtime hours last reported by the PLC. Null if missing. Only included in the booth index endpoint.

And here's what an example booth could look like:

  id: "3317efbd-0049-48d4-bb7f-4fd45315323b",
  external_id: "ABCDEFGH",
  facility_name: "Warehouse",
  facility_id: "eea97bc4-9f09-4f56-b9f6-18563055d195",
  serial_number: "ABCD-123-123",
  status: "active",
  name: "Test Booth",
  brand_name: "zephyr",
  model_number: "99830",
  bay_count: "two",
  burner_size: "1",
  motor_size: "10",
  length: "24",
  width: "16.4",
  height: "11.83",
  last_updated_at: "2023-09-06T08:00:00Z"