
Facilities represent customer locations where there are booths.

These endpoints allow you to perform operations on facilities in the system.

The Facility object

Here's the data stored for facilities:

  • id: ID of the facility in the system.
  • name: Name of the facility.
  • status: Status of the facility. This can be "active" or "decommissioned".
  • account_id: ID of the account the facility belongs to.
  • distributor_id: ID of the distributor associated to the facility.
  • booths: The number of booths associated to the facility. Only included in the index endpoint.
  • store_number: Identifier of the facility.
  • address_line_1: Line 1 of the physical address of the facility.
  • address_line_2: Line 2 of the physical address of the facility.
  • city: City where the facility is located.
  • state: State where the facility is located.
  • zipcode: Zip code of the facility's location.
  • type: The type of facility. One of auto_body_shop, manufacturing_plant, or auto_dealership
  • square_ft: The square footage of the facility
  • climate_control: The type of climate control the facility has. Can be one of 'both', 'heated_only', 'cooled_only', or 'none'
  • region_id: The id of the region the facility belongs to, if any.
  • region_name: The name of the region the facility belongs to, if any.
  • tz: Time zone of the facility.

And here's what a facility returned by the API might look like:

  "id": "293f191b-f2e6-4dde-bcab-00b10fdb8cf3",
  "name": "Test Facility",
  "status": "active",
  "account_id": "293f191b-f2e6-4dde-bcab-00b10fdb8cf4",
  "distributor_id": "753f191b-f2e6-4dde-bcab-00b10fdb8cb0",
  "region_id": "392098bb-ac91-010c-aaa1-9032b19b8cf4",
  "region_name": "Test Region",
  "store_number": "Test Facility 01",
  "address_line_1": "123 Test Road",
  "address_line_2": "Suite 1000",
  "city": "Boulder",
  "state": "CO",
  "zipcode": "12345",
  "type": "auto_body_shop",
  "square_ft": 12000.0,
  "climate_control": "both"
  "booths": 1,
  "tz": "America/Denver"