Get the historic log of filter maintenances for a booth.
Allows you to retrieve the full log of past filter maintenances that have happened on a booth.
Path parameters
id of the booth
curl \
--request GET http://localhost:4000/api/booths/{id}/filter_maintenance_history \
--header "Authorization: $API_KEY"
Response examples (200)
"data": [
"active_spray_time": 42.0,
"booth_in_use_time": 42.0,
"duration": 42.0,
"filter_type": "string",
"maintenance_date": "string",
"overuse": 42.0
Response examples (400)
"error": "Error Reason"
Response examples (400)
"error": "Error Reason"
Response examples (401)
"error": "Error Reason"
Response examples (401)
"error": "Error Reason"