Get the bucketed utilization of all booths within scope
Allows you to retrieve the bucketed utilization stats of one or multiple booths. Per facility, account, region, and others.
curl \
--request GET http://localhost:4000/api/bucketed_utilization?start=string&end=string \
--header "Authorization: $API_KEY"
Response examples (200)
"data": [
"modes": [
"mode": "Bake Set Pt 1",
"duration": 300
"booth_id": "3317efbd-0049-48d4-bb7f-1abb3901ac8f",
"duration": 1440,
"kw_usage": 53.292313,
"btu_usage": 12.329392,
"region_id": "3317efbd-0049-48d4-bb7f-0909018293ca",
"timestamp": "2024-12-09 10:00:00Z",
"account_id": "3317efbd-0049-48d4-bb7f-38a92baca811",
"cycle_count": 3,
"facility_id": "3317efbd-0049-48d4-bb7f-10293748aa9c"
Response examples (200)
"data": [
"modes": [
"mode": "Bake Set Pt 1",
"duration": 300
"booth_id": "3317efbd-0049-48d4-bb7f-1abb3901ac8f",
"duration": 1440,
"kw_usage": 53.292313,
"btu_usage": 12.329392,
"region_id": "3317efbd-0049-48d4-bb7f-0909018293ca",
"timestamp": "2024-12-09 10:00:00Z",
"account_id": "3317efbd-0049-48d4-bb7f-38a92baca811",
"cycle_count": 3,
"facility_id": "3317efbd-0049-48d4-bb7f-10293748aa9c"
Response examples (400)
"error": "Error Reason"
Response examples (400)
"error": "Error Reason"
Response examples (401)
"error": "Error Reason"
Response examples (401)
"error": "Error Reason"